Smartland — online farm management system

We provide services for the precision farming; grant the high-exact equipment. Our service also helps to reduce costs and increase the profit

The benefits are obvious to any farmer

Modular online system Smartland allows you to control remotely the agricultural enterprise, monitor parameters of operation of equipment, soil condition and workflow


Effective use of the field. Timely extension of land rent contracts. Evaluation of the potential of the field


Estimation of fertility and density of the soil. Resources saving and yields increasing


Control of the movement of agricultural machinery: route, stops, and parking. Planning of costs of fuel consumption, technical support, and replacement of parts

Documents management

Electronic documents. Monitoring of land rent contracts. Cadastral maps online. Accounting for labor and performed work


Control of supply, consumption, and drain of fuel. Reduction of costs for seed and chemical fertilizers


Automation of business processes. Reducing the number of phone calls. Online work control


SmartLand company takes on a significant part of complex, expensive, high-tech work. Due to that you save and increase the income.

An electronic field map creation

Measuring the field area and determination of its shape, with an error of up to 20 centimeters. Creation of an electronic map of an exact land bank, which is always handy

Measurement of soil density

Measurement of soil using a density meter. Determination of the depth of soil compaction with an indication of the exact location on the field

Connection to RTK signal

Accuracy up to 2 cm with the preservation of the motion trajectory coordinates of the machinery. Corrections in real-time mode. Positioning is available throughout all the mobile network coverage area

Equipment installation

Modernization of filling stations and agricultural machinery. Installation of the trackers, CAN readers, identifiers of towed equipment, fuel level sensors, and flowmeters

Uniform system of the enterprise account

Modules of the Smartland system are selected according to the needs of the enterprise. GPS-monitoring, control of work in the fields, accounting for land lease contracts, management of machinery park and filling stations is available for farms


Company Smartland counts, selects and sells professional equipment for monitoring, accounting, control of works at the farm enterprise

GPS – tracking system

We install trackers on self-propelled machines for work processes monitoring: moving, stops, and parking. Towing equipment identifiers allow to determining the type of field works in online mode

Fuel control systems

Configure access to fuel stations by cards. The system stores the issue and consumption of fuel journal. Sensors allow to monitoring fuel residues at fixed and mobile fuel stations in real time

Field condition control

We use satellite snapshots to create NDVI maps and technical tasks for technologies. Density meters measure the density of the soil and the depth of seals, we provide a report indicating exact coordinates of measurements


Украина, г. Одесса, ул. Черноморского Казачества 116, офис 1011

Одесса: (067) 170 24 97

Днепр-Донецк: (067) 634 36 30, Тернопiль-Хмельницький (097)707 87 64, Херсон (067) 553 34 68

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